Have you ever done an exam, been absolutely sure you’ve nailed it, discussed the answers with your friends afterwards reassuring you that you’ve aced it, only to discover on results day that you’ve completely flunked the paper?

Have you ever done an exam, been absolutely sure you’ve nailed it, discussed the answers with your friends afterwards reassuring you that you’ve aced it, only to discover on results day that you’ve completely flunked the paper?
Hargreaves Lansdown has dropped the £2.1 billion M&G Recovery fund from its Wealth 50 buy list after a prolonged period of poor performance.
Investment research group downgrades Lindsell Train UK Equity fund and Finsbury Growth & Income investment trust.
Shadow chancellor John McDonnell criticises City regulator after fund manager Neil Woodford took millions of pounds in dividends in before his business collapsed.
Shadow chancellor John McDonnell has demanded that Andrew Bailey’s appointment as governor of the Bank of England be suspended until an inquest into his conduct as head of the Financial Conduct Authority be completed.